Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said he has “more than 100 biological children”
Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov recently revealed that he has “more than 100 biological children”. He shared this with his 5.7 million subscribers on the messaging app. He said, “I was just told that I have more than 100 biological children. How is this possible for a man who has never married and prefers to be alone?”
Mr Durov said that about 15 years ago, a friend made a “strange request” to him. “He said that he and his wife cannot have children due to fertility problems and he asked me to donate sperm to a clinic so that they can have a child. I started laughing, but then I realised that he was really serious,” he said.
Mr Durov added, “It sounded pretty crazy, so I signed up for sperm donation. Fast forward to 2024, my past donation activity has helped more than a hundred couples in 12 countries have children. Moreover, several years after I became a donor, at least one IVF clinic still has my frozen sperm available, which can be used anonymously by families wishing to have children.” The entrepreneur added that he now plans to open-source his DNA, so that his biological children can find each other. Discussing the importance of healthy sperm, Mr Durov said he was proud that he did his duty.Although there are risks, of course, I am glad that I donated. The lack of healthy sperm has become a serious issue worldwide, and I am proud that I did my part to reduce it. I also want to help demystify the whole notion of sperm donation and encourage more healthy men to do so, so families struggling to have children can enjoy more options. Defy convention – redefine the norm,” he wrote on