BSNL 5G Service: These cities will be the first to get BSNL 5G network service, check details immediately


BSNL 5G Service: These cities will be the first to get BSNL 5G network service, check details immediately

BSNL 5G Service: Jio and Airtel, two private telecom firms, control the entirety of India’s 4G and 5G networks. Recharges for 4G smartphones are now more expensive thanks to these two companies. Following this, BSNL entered abruptly. BSNL is attempting to capitalize on this. For this reason, in addition to 4G, the company has begun investigating 5G possibilities.

BSNL currently provides 3G service. Additionally, while Jio and Airtel are offering 5G networks, the government-owned company is expanding its 4G network quickly. However, BSNL has a big chance that could completely transform the government-owned telecom company. Actually, 5G service will be offered via the mobile tower owned by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. As a result, there will be more friction between Jio and the Airtel corporation. Mobile users should also have affordable access to calling and high-speed data services. The first trial will take place in these cities.

A new telecom startup in the country is in talks with BSNL, which is getting ready to roll out 5G service over its network. The business intends to launch a trial service for this. In as little as three months, this trial may begin. The emphasis will be on private networks. BSNL will initially have the 700 MHz band under this project. The 5G trial will take place in cities such as Bengaluru, Chennai, and Delhi.

Where will the trial be held

The places where 5G trials are to be held include popular places in Delhi, Bengaluru and Chennai.

Connaught Place- Delhi

Government Indoor Office- Bengaluru

Government Office- Bengaluru

Sanchar Bhavan- Delhi

JNU Campus- Delhi

IIT- Delhi

India Habitat Centre- Delhi

Selected Location- Gurugram

IIT- Hyderabad

A meeting was held regarding this matter
In the 5G trial, BSNL will cooperate fully. The business is prepared to supply spectrum, towers, batteries, power supplies, and other infrastructure for this. Voice of Indian Communication Technology Enterprises (VoICE) claims that the business is prepared to offer a 5G trial to the general public. Voice and the BSNL CMD have already met to discuss this issue.


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