Blackpink’s “Proud to be Free” More than merely a seductive performance, Lisa’s Crazy Horse appearance


Blackpink’s “Proud to be Free” More than merely a seductive performance, Lisa’s Crazy Horse appearance
There will be five Lisa performances in Cabaret.

Recently, it was announced that Lisa would make her historic debut at Crazy Horse Cabaret.

This place, known for the nude performances of skilled female dancers, is not an expected place for a statue. Previous appearances have already created negative feelings among netizens about Lisa’s upcoming appearances.

And though there’s no denying that Lisa is definitely ready to join the list of successful women who have guest starred, as seen in these sexy clips posted ahead of her performance .
…His performance matters more than that.


When it was first announced that Lisa would be appearing at the club, the venue’s general and brand director Andrey Disenberg clearly stated how important her performance would be.

According to Disenberg, the club hopes to attract a new clientele that is young and “absolutely feminine” like Lisa. In her own words, Crazy Horse symbolizes a woman who is proud to be “independent, curious and confident”


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