NASA alert! ‘Never before seen’ asteroid has 78% chance of hitting Earth on this date


NASA alert! ‘Never before seen’ asteroid has 78% chance of hitting Earth on this data

The National Aeronautics of Space Administration (NASA) found in its hypothetical exercise that a never before seen asteroid has a 72 percent chance of hitting Earth. These observations were made during the fifth biennial Planetary Defense Interagency Tabletop Exercise. On June 20, NASA published a synopsis of this fictitious exercise.

The US space agency said that NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office organized the tabletop exercise in collaboration with FEMA, U.S. Department of State of Space Affairs. It said that its objective was to evaluate the country’s preparedness and response capabilities in the event of a hazardous asteroid or comet threat.

“Even though no major asteroid impact threats are anticipated in the near future, the hypothetical exercises offer valuable insights by examining the risks, response options, and collaborative opportunities posed by various scenarios, ranging from minor regional damage with little warning to potential global catastrophes predicted years or decades into the future,” the statement reads.

It said, “During the exercise, a hypothetical scenario in which a never-before-seen asteroid was identified was implemented. According to preliminary calculations, it has a 72% chance of hitting Earth in about 14 years.”

Talking about the size of the asteroid, it said, “The initial observations described in the exercise were, however, not sufficient to accurately


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